KUALA LUMPUR, July 6 — The consensus by leaders from all six states to dissolve the state assembly in their respective states and pave the way for state elections to be held simultaneously is a right move that can benefit all parties.

Former Election Commission (EC) deputy chairman Datuk Seri Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said through the democratic process which incurs a huge expenditure and one that will need the cooperation of various agencies and stake holders, a significant saving can be made.

“In the past state elections and General Elections will be held simultaneously and would save a lot in terms of expenditure on staff, preparations cost, deploying resources from government agencies to assist the EC, namely the police and local governments throughout the country.

“... If not held simultaneously, the same process and work will have to be done twice or three times,” he said when appearing as a guest on Ruang Bicara which was broadcast by Bernama TV, to speak on the title ‘PR6N: Has Started’, tonight.

Earlier, the EC had estimated that the expenditure for carrying out the election in all six states — Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Penang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan — could reach RM420 million.

Today, the EC announced that the state elections in Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Penang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan will be held on August 12.

EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Salleh had said the nomination date for all six states has been fixed for July 29, while early voting will be on August 8.

In the same programme, University Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Science Administration and Policy Studies senior professor Mujibu Abd Muis said the rather long campaigning period allocated by the EC would give ample time for all the relevant parties to convince voters to carry out their responsibilities to vote. — Bernama