SEBERANG PERAI, June 30 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today said that people should evaluate the accusations spread against the current unity government and differentiate the lies from the truths.

He said the public should learn to differentiate between political attacks and the truth.

“Whatever was said against me and my administration, we should be able to assess and know the truth from the lies,” he said in his speech when attending a Qurban event at Masjid Jamek An-Nur Kampung Guar Perahu in Kubang Semang, Seberang Prai.

“Yes, I may have weaknesses and I may not know my own weaknesses, you can tell me my weaknesses but to slander, it is not right,” he added.

He said people who insisted on spreading lies and slander must be stopped and criticised.

He said there was slander and lies that claimed Islam will fall once he became prime minister but it was the opposite as he had brought back allocation for Islamic religious schools and introduced more Islamic programmes to strengthen the religion.

He also mentioned other slanders against his administration such as the failure to restore the economy, the alleged “selling of Johor” to Indonesia under the maritime border agreement between Malaysia and Indonesia, and a rift within his administration.

He said the country has a RM1.53 trillion debt so it could take time to restore its economy.

As for slander about the maritime border agreement, he said the people should look at the agreement to realise that those were lies without any truth to them.

“They say there’s a rift in my administration but it’s not true, we have DAP ministers who will discuss with me internally if they have issues, there are no problems or rift,” he said.

He urged the people to allow his administration to govern the country and bring the country back on track.

“The county is almost rotten, those formerly in power were rich from plundering the country, so we need time to recover and rebuild,” he said.

Anwar said it was also why he gave strict instructions to the authorities in the fight against graft in the country.

“My instructions were clear, whether it’s a minister in the unity government or anyone else, whoever is involved in corruption, there will not be any leniency,” he said.

He also stressed that he did not order the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate certain political opponents.

“Our intention is to clean up our country, so they must investigate wrong-doers, this is not an act of revenge,” he said.

He said even if he did something wrong, he would also be subjected to investigations.