KUCHING, June 26 — The Betong Division Development Agency has set aside RM60.45 million for the development of Spaoh town.

In announcing this, Deputy Premier of Sarawak Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said this funding was part of the RM200-million allocation from the agency slated for the development of Bukit Saban constituency, where he is the assemblyman.

Adding on, he said the allocation would be utilised to implement a plethora of infrastructure, sports and economic projects.

“The projects included are RM30 million for farm roads, RM10 million to build cow and goat sheds, pig sties and chicken coops, and a RM18-million collection, processing and packaging centre (CPPC) near Bebuling STOLport (short take-off and landing airport),” he said in his speech for the ‘Gawai Dayak Ngiling Tikai’ event in Betong recently.

There would also be the RM2-million ‘Taman Selera’ (food court) projects near the new Spaoh Market and the construction of a futsal field costing RM450,000, he added.

Moreover, 10 blocks of commercial buildings would be built near to the Spaoh Bridge under the town’s expansion plan, as well as works involving historical infrastructures at the historical Bukit Sadok, the site of the last fort of the Iban legendary warrior Rentap.

For the record, the deputy premier previously announced a project costing RM16 million involving the constructing a replica of that fort.

In his remarks, Uggah said the whole development should create income-generating opportunities for the local community to improve their standard of living.

“Let us remain ‘segulai sejalai’ (united, we walk together) in all that we do and in supporting our Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government under the leadership of our Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.”

Uggah also remarked about him being surprised when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim adopted the ‘Segulai Sejalai’ phrase as a tagline for his ‘Unity and Solidary’ programmes nationwide.

“This speaks volumes of his (Anwar’s) acknowledgement of the long-existing unity, solidarity and harmony in Sarawak, despite our very diverse population,” he said.

On a separate matter, Uggah said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi would visit the Samu longhouse for a ‘Meet-The-People’ session this July 2.

The ‘Gawai Dayak Ngiling Tikai’ event was also attended by Betong MP Dr Richard Rapu, the former parliamentarian Datuk Robert Lawson Chuat, and Temenggong Richard Mulok. — Borneo Post Online