GUA MUSANG, June 16 — The Orang Asli community of the Temiar tribe in Pos Hendrop and Pos Tuel here are overjoyed that they now get to enjoy round-the-clock electricity supply after more than 60 years of waiting.

The 450 families in the two settlements said they are grateful to the government for the installation of the power supply facility, which was done by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) in stages.

The village head of Kampung Hanir, Pos Tuel, Razak Rongging said that previously residents used candles, lamps and generators as a source of light at night.


“We are grateful to the government for helping to provide the facility since May because we have longed for electricity supply for a long time.

“We are grateful because in this day and age, power supply is a basic necessity. We hope TNB can help explain the use of electricity because most of the residents are new users and are worried about possible untoward incidents, including short circuits,” he said when met by reporters in Pos Tuel here.

Villager Andak Anjang, 48, shows an electricity meter outside her house at Pos Tuel, Gua Musang June 16, 2023. — Bernama pic
Villager Andak Anjang, 48, shows an electricity meter outside her house at Pos Tuel, Gua Musang June 16, 2023. — Bernama pic


Villager Zaiton Anjang, 37, said they used to spend a lot buying candles and generator fuel in large quantities.

“I am very excited to finally be able to watch television, have a refrigerator and use a fan without having to think about generator fuel supply anymore. We are saving money to buy electrical items for our home.

“Previously, we had to use generators and incurred high expenses for buying fuel and repairing damaged items,” she said.

Meanwhile, Galas state assemblyman Mohd Syahbuddin Hashim said he was grateful to the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development for its role in connecting power supply to the settlements.

“Villagers are grateful to the government for ensuring that all villages are provided with this basic facility. Next, we will improve existing infrastructure facilities such as roads, halls and mosques,” he said. — Bernama