PUTRAJAYA, May 9 — Members of University Board of Directors (LPU) are responsible to ensure the direction, decisions and consideration made by public higher education institutions (IPTAs) are in line with national interests, said Minister of Higher Education Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin.

Describing the responsibility of LPU as the guardian of trust and national interests, Mohamad Khaled said the appointment of LPU was made based on the experience, expertise and various skills possessed.

“It is your responsibility to fight and eradicate anything that hinders the national interest,” he said when speaking at the Public University Board of Directors Strategic Orientation Programme and launching the Vice-Chancellor Executive Coaching Module (VCEC) here today.

“This is no ordinary work and responsibility. It is ‘a sacred duty’ for the nation and the country,” he said. The trust that LPU carries is a national trust and must be implemented for the sake of the country.

Mohamed Khaled said LPU needs to take responsibility and play an important role in rebuilding trust in the country’s education system.

“Similarly in helping to boost the potential and prestige of the university. It is a national duty. When an IPTA progresses and performs, it will directly benefit the country,” he said.

Mohamad Khaled said LPU also needs to have a check and balance instrument to ensure that the administration and leadership of the university do not go astray in making policies and big decisions.

“The role of LPU in this robust and firm check and balance will help maintain the public’s trust in the reputation of the university as the most important institution of knowledge and public institution for the country and nation,” he said.

Mohamad Khaled said he was optimistic that LPU could help the university to act and function not just as a diploma churning factory, instead to become a centre for student development, a national reference centre and a solution centre for the community.

To ensure the role of LPU remains relevant and competitive in facing critical challenges, he said LPU needs to be constantly trained with various new skills, knowledge and empowerment.

LPU needs to be equipped with training and capacity building programmes that are world-class and contemporary in order to be able to respond to any IPTA leadership crisis, he said. — Bernama