KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 — Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan today said he does not know if anyone in the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition is involved in any ouster plot against the Anwar administration.

Popularly called Tok Mat, he added that even if they were, it would be difficult to do because there is now an anti-party hopping law in place that requires the affected MP to resign, which would trigger fresh elections that might not work in favour of the ouster plotters.

“It is against the anti-party hopping law. If they are involved, please resign but so far, there is no one that I know of who is going against us,” he told reporters at the Defence Ministry’s Aidilfitri celebration here this afternoon.

Mohamad, who is also BN deputy chairman, said that as far as he knows, his coalition MPs are focused on public service and have no desire to topple the government.

He said BN MPs had pledged a stable government and wanted to fulfil its election manifesto.

“The reason we joined this unity government was because we put the country first. We promised the rakyat to give them a stable government.

“Since GE14, we have been left behind as a country for five years. The country was in shambles. I urge everyone to stop politicking now that we have a functioning government. Do it for the rakyat,” he said.

The Rembau MP was asked to comment on Bersatu supreme council member Dr Faiz Na’aman’s Facebook statement yesterday claiming the Opposition coalition had 126 MPs, more than the simple majority in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat, needed to topple the federal government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Mohamad said the Anwar administration will be holding a national convention on May 14.

“The convention is not to show that the government is one big party but to show the rakyat that we are serving them,” he said.