KEPALA BATAS, April 15 — Umno is making preparations to face state elections in six states, with its election machinery currently at 80 per cent.

Umno election department chief Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican said he had met with all six Umno state liaison committees and the readiness for state elections were at very high levels.

The Kepala Batas Umno division chief said that Umno and Barisan Nasional’s compatibility with Pakatan Harapan (PH) was well.

“The compatibility between BN and PH forms the core of the Unity Government, both at the federal and state levels, in Pahang, Perak and Melaka, and it will be translated through the upcoming state elections.

“We don’t want the central to say one thing and the state another. So we want to make sure everything works together in the state elections as the voting patterns are now different,” he told reporters after presenting aid to 400 asnaf (Islamic tithe recipients), elderly and orphans here today.

Reezal Merican said the formula for the state elections would be the Unity Government’s coalition formula, adding that they all had high hopes to stick together, and this was proven in many things, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s willingness to conduct Isyak and Terawih prayers in Kepala Batas yesterday even with his tight schedule.

“The Penang chief minister and deputy chief minister I also attends our programme, and it’s not a one time thing. This is an early sign of our determination to form an adminstration based on the Unity Government.

“From there, we can see the collaboration developing in such a short time. In 100 to 120 days, till the elections are held, we will be in a state of readiness,” he added. — Bernama