KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 23 — Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman today said he would not be in court to defend himself against pilfering over RM1 million from Bersatu’s funds if he had supported its president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who was trying to become Malaysia's eight prime minister in early 2020.

Testifying in his own defence at the High Court, the 30-year-old former minister said the criminal breach of trust and misappropriation of funds charges he is facing were trumped up because he did not sign a statutory declaration (SD) backing Muhyiddin following the controversial “Sheraton Move” that forced the collapse of the then Pakatan Harapan government in 2020.

Syed Saddiq was at that time the chief of Armada, the Youth wing of Bersatu and was accused of abusing his authority to take its money. His membership in the party was revoked on May 28, 2020.

Today marks the second day he has been called to enter his defence.

During questioning, the prosecution accused him of lying and abusing his position by asking Armada members and former assistant treasurer turned prosecution star witness Rafiq Hakim Razali to transfer the wing’s funds to his personal account.

He vehemently denied those allegations.

Under cross-examination from his own counsel Gobind Singh Deo, Syed Saddiq was asked why he thought he had been charged with these crimes.

He told the court that it was to punish him for not supporting Muhyiddin who was aiming to be prime minister.

Gobind: They challenged you today saying your statements were all an afterthought and you were lying. Are your statements regarding these events true or false?

Syed Saddiq: Everything is true and I can recall everything that transpired on the day and what happened after that. It is clear what’s happening to me is wrong and I would not wish what's happening to me upon my own enemies.

Gobind: What do you mean by wrong?

Syed Saddiq: The request to support Muhyiddin. Though I have nothing personal against him, the investigating officer who was following me throughout their investigation was lying. His testimony that he only served me with a notice then left is untrue. His insistence that I was a victim also shows what’s happening to me is not right. If anything I hope this is corrected.

Gobind: So the crime that is referred to as wrong is the demand to support Muhyiddin Yassin, if not charges will be brought against you. That is what you are saying? As far as you are concerned that is wrong?

Syed Saddiq: Yes.

During today’s proceedings, the High Court discovered there were discrepancies between the copies of Syed Saddiq’s witness statement given to judicial commissioner Azhar Abdul Hamid and the lawyers, specifically paragraph 24.

Azhar rebuked deputy public prosecutor Datuk Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin and his team for the oversight and called for a 15-minute break to rectify the copies.

“The one you’re reading and the one I have with me is different. This is what happens when you do not pay attention in court. This entire statement was read in court and you should've checked when the witness was reading his statement,” Azhar told the prosecution team.

“After he reads the statement we sign it and have it marked. That’s the version we have here, marked here. If you paid any attention to that you would’ve noticed this so pay more attention in court.

“And DPP, don’t turn your back to me! Where are your ethics? Where did you get this statement? It's different from the one that he signed? Mr Gobind how many statements did you serve the DPP?” Azhar said in quick succession.

“Only one yang Arif,” Gobind replied.

“Then how is yours different? Exactly as what I’m now holding in my hand which is different from what you’re holding. Look at the statement, the quotes are different from what I’m holding. We’ll stand down for 15 minutes, you sort this thing out,” Azhar told the lawyers.

Apart from Ladin, the other deputy public prosecutors in this case are Mohd Afif Ali and Muhammad Asraf Mohamed Tahir.