KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 23 — Umno has strongly condemned the act of burning the Quran by extremist Swedish-Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan outside of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm recently.

Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in a statement today said irrespective of his true intention, the vile act by Paludan was a clear provocation and highly disrespectful towards Muslims around the globe.

“Paludan has also significantly abused the right to freedom of expression and in so doing, undermines the spirit of peaceful coexistence in a multi-religious world.

“Umno urges the Swedish government to take appropriate action against this appalling hatred towards Islam,” said Ahmad Zahid who is also the Deputy Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, Umno Ulama Council condemned Paludan’s act in the strongest terms, describing it as extreme and Islamophobic as well as an insult to Islam.

Its chairman Datuk Dusuki Ahmad said insulting any religion was clearly against social ethics that respects the right to practise one’s religion, adding that Paludan’s heinous act could further fuel hatred among people and disintegrate peace in the community as well as trigger provocations and reactions including violence.

Therefore, he demanded that the Swedish government apologise to all Muslims and the international community for failing to stop the incident from happening in the country.

“(Umno’s Council of Ulama also) calls on scholars and Muslims to continue to pray that the truth of Islam will continue to shine throughout the world and provide security to its followers wherever they are,” he added. — Bernama