BANGKOK, Dec 23 — Wanted Malaysian businessman Teow Wooi Huat will know his fate on coming January 18 when Bangkok Criminal Court decides whether he will be extradited to Malaysia or China.

Both countries had submitted extradition request to Thai authorities for the 55-year old MBI Group’s founder on claims of cheating investors through dubious investment schemes.

Though detained for more than 150 days, Teow appeared in high spirits today and told the court today that all charges filed by the Chinese authorities against him was “baseless and fake”.

“All evidences presented (by the Chinese authorities) illogical and baseless.

“Definitely, I do not want to be deported to China. I did not commit any crime in China,” he told the court.

Beijing police reportedly want him for questioning following a suit filed by about 400 investors from China to recover investments worth some RM100 million.

However, the Penang born entrepreneur admitted that he had committed crime in Malaysia “few years ago”.

He was detained on July 21 in Danok, Thailand and his visa was revoked. Since then, he has been under the Thai Immigration Police custody and awaiting deportation.

Teow was also in the the Royal Malaysian Police’s wanted list to assist in investigations under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating and an official extradition request was submitted to the Thai side on December 20. — Bernama