KOTA KINABALU, Dec 10 — A Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) leader has cited the rise of “political Islam” as their reason for leaving Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia and Perikatan Nasional.

GRS secretary general Datuk Masidi Manjun said that the increasing racial and religious rhetoric of some Peninsular based parties especially in the run up to the 15th General Election (GE15) was inconsistent with the values of a multi-racial and multi-religious Sabah and Sarawak.

“Many tend to forget that many Sabahans as well as Sarawakians have family members of different religious faiths. It’s difficult for GRS or for that matter many Sabahans, to accept what is now marketed as ‘political Islam’.

“In fact, the current unity government under Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim best represents the making of an administration that embraces the interests of all Malaysians, whilst protecting the position of Islam, Bumiputeras, Sabah and Sarawak,” he said.

Masidi, said that inter-faith and interracial marriages in Sabah was common and people here lived in harmony for centuries.

“We don’t identify ourselves by our ethnicity or religion,” he said adding that Islam is a universal religion that preaches inclusivity and respect for all beliefs and cultures.

“It is a religion of compassion and humanity that respects the rights of others including that of minorities.

“As a Muslim, I am proud of my religion, but I do not think any party can claim to be a genuine representative of this great religion,” he said.

Masidi, who was Sabah Bersatu’s deputy chairman before its decision to quit en masse as announced today, said GRS will support any leader or coalition who commit to the preservation of the Malaysian “way of life” which has a place for everyone.

“That is why we are wholeheartedly behind Anwar as the 10th Prime Minister.

“Our decision to focus on GRS by getting out of Bersatu was made in the best interest of Sabah and the greater good of Malaysia. We are just simple Sabahans who want to protect our cultural and social heritage from being adulterated with non-Sabahan values.

“We honestly think we are the best Malaysians,” he said.

Earlier today, Hajiji announced that leaders of Sabah Bersatu were unanimously quitting the party and would be known as GRS until it forms a new local party.

He, however, did not name the leaders involved.

They were speculated to take over a local party, Parti Harapan Rakyat Sabah or Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah were among the names that came up.

In 2018, Hajiji had also led a group of almost all Sabah Umno’s elected representatives — nine out 10 assemblymen and four out of five MPs — out of Umno following a dismal showing in the 2018 general election (GE14).

They cited a lack of direction in leadership and also an increasing religious political narrative as the party began working with Islamist party PAS following GE14.

They eventually form Bersatu in Sabah, which was then part of the Pakatan Harapan government led by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

GRS, which consists of former Bersatu, Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR), Sabah Progressive Party(SAPP), Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS)and United Sabah National Organisation (Usno), had won six seats in the recent elections and at first supported Perikatan Nasional to form the federal government.

Following a stalemate, GRS later changed its stance following the Agong’s advice to form a unity government and put its support behind Pakatan Harapan and Anwar.