IPOH, Oct 31 — Overturned cars on fire, throwing tear gas, releasing water sprays, and breaking road barriers were among the simulation exercises conducted by the Perak police, to prepare for any eventuality in the upcoming 15th general election (GE15).

State police chief Datuk Mohd Yusri Hassan Basri said about 1,500 officers and personnel from the Ipoh district police headquarters participated in the two-hour simulation exercise, held on the grounds of the Perak Stadium here.

“It involved simulation and light force training in preparation for the GE until its completion. I hope that the training and courses held will increase the confidence and preparedness of police officers and personnel to face all eventualities,” he said when met after the training.

Bernama observed that the simulation involved a “riot” between “party supporters” and anti-riot police, in which some rioters were “arrested” before the situation was successfully controlled.


In GE15, only three states will hold state elections simultaneously with the GE15, namely Perlis, Pahang and Perak.

The Perak state assembly, before its dissolution on October 17, consisted of 25 Barisan Nasional assemblymen, DAP (15), Amanah (five), Bersatu (four), three each from PAS, PKR and PBM while one was an independent.

It has 59 seats, and needs the support of 30 assemblymen for a simple majority to form the state government. — Bernama
