JOHOR BARU, Oct 17 — The Muar Umno Youth today lodged a police report against Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda) president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman and its leaders for accusing Umno of creating a ruckus at a ceramah in Muar last night.

The report was lodged by Muar Umno Youth chief Mohd Helmy Abd Latif, who was accompanied by 10 other members, at the Muar district police headquarters

Mohd Helmy denied that the Umno Youth members, in particular those from the Muar chapter, were behind the provocation that led to chaos at the ceramah’s grounds in Parit Jawa, Muar.

“Therefore, due to the slander made by Muda’s leadership, I decided to lodge a police report.

“I have also discussed with my lawyer the possibility of filing a lawsuit against those who have falsely accused Umno Youth in this matter,” he said, referring to allegations by several Muda leaders earlier today that Umno Youth and its Muar chapter were responsible for the provocative commotion at their ceramah.

“As head of the Muar Umno Youth, I insist that the movement as a whole rejects provocative politics and assure that such a culture is not practiced by Umno Youth,” he said.

Mohd Helmy added that it was also a known fact that the entire Muar Umno Youth movement was directly involved in the Umno divisional meeting and also the division’s election machinery launch yesterday.

He said it did not make sense for the movement’s members of doing something that does not directly benefit the party.

The commotion started shortly after Syed Saddiq took to the stage to deliver his speech.

In the middle of the incumbent Muar MP’s speech, a group of youths started being provocative by chanting “penipu”, followed with an attempt to create a scene in the tent area.

Muda volunteers and police then moved in to chase off the provocateurs but added that the group returned later and continued to make a scene on the road leading to the ceramah area.

Despite the provocation, Syed Saddiq continued his speech.