PUTRAJAYA, Oct 1 — The role played by the Yayasan Undang Johol (YUJ) in shouldering the responsibility of assisting the needy is in line with the concept of Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Family) which stresses the practice of unity among the community.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said efforts by YUJ in carrying out various welfare aid programmes were very relevant in every emergency situation like floods and other disasters.

“The measures taken by YUJ as a non-governmental body are very much in line with the welfare concept of shared responsibility and the concept of gotong-royong (mutual cooperation) where every member of the community is involved in shouldering the responsibility of contributing to the general welfare, especially in desperate situations,” he said at the YUJ Charity Dinner 2022 here today

Wan Junaidi’s speech was read out by his deputy, Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin, and the charity dinner was also attended by Undang (Ruling Chief of) Luak Johol Datuk Muhammed Abdullah.


The charity dinner was held to collect funds to run welfare programmes for targeted groups and also in preparation for emergency situations like natural disasters, especially flash floods that occurred recently.

Wan Junaidi said the government would continue paying attention to programmes and initiatives which bring prosperity and benefit to the entire Keluarga Malaysia regardless of religion and race to ensure no one is left behind.

The main objective of the YUJ’s establishment is to help the community in Luak Johol, specifically, and Malaysians, generally, including giving aid for education and to single mothers. — Bernama