KOTA KINABALU, Sept 27 — Effective communication is crucial in explaining current issues in the country, including inflation, to enable the people to fully understand the matter, said Sabah Information Department (JaPen) director Jainisah Mohd Noor.

As such, she urged all JaPen officers to increase their understanding and knowledge of current issues, including inflation, so that they will be able to give a more detailed, effective and comprehensive explanation to the local community.

“Effective communication is vital in presenting information to ensure the people understand every issue.

“With effective communication, we can also stamp out inaccurate and unverified information being disseminated by irresponsible parties, who use the inflation issue as one way of causing dissatisfaction among the people,” she said.

She told reporters this after a briefing programme on current issues in the Sabah zone organised by the Sabah JaPen Psychological Operation and Issue Management Division, which also focused on inflation issues and challenges for Malaysia here today.

Jainisah said the briefing was also a platform for the workforce from the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia in Sabah, especially JaPen officers, to fully understand the inflation issue before going down to the ground to give related information to the community.

She said the programme would be held in all districts in Sabah, with information officers given the responsibility to present relevant inflation information to the communities in their respective areas.

Earlier, JaPen director-general Datuk Mohd Sukari Ab Hamid, whose speech text was read by Jainisah, said that based on data published by the Department of Statistics Malaysia on August 29, Malaysia’s inflation rate as measured by the Consumer Price Index rose 4.4 per cent to 127.9 for July 2022 compared to 122.5 in July 2021.

He said the increase in the country’s inflation rate was driven by price increases in several key sectors, including food and beverage, hospitality, transport as well as water, energy and fuel supply.

“The issue of the rising inflation rate is not only happening in our country. This is a global issue that is felt by many countries. It can be said that nearly all countries are currently affected by the issue of the rising inflation rate,” he said. — Bernama