KUALA LUMPUR, March 1 ― The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti) revealed the estimated loss incurred by Top Glove Corporation Bhd during the period of the “Withhold Release Order” (WRO) imposed by the United States’ Customs and Border Protection (CBP) was RM3.6 billion.

In a written reply in Parliament today, Miti said the information was obtained from the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (MARGMA).

On July 15, 2020, US CBP issued a WRO on Top Glove on allegations of forced labour practices in the production process, including employee debt bondage, excessive overtime, violation of environmental conditions, workplace and accommodation facilities and detention of identification documents.

“However, the WRO restriction was lifted on September 10, 2021 after CBP was satisfied with the evidence and actions taken by Top Glove, including the payment of compensation to employees and improving workplace facilities and accommodation for employees,” Miti said.

The ministry said an engagement session was held on February 18, 2022 with the US embassy and MARGMA members to review and discuss actions to be taken by industry players to ensure WRO restrictions on Malaysian rubber glove companies could be lifted and avoided in the future.

“Miti is always committed to raise awareness and comply with current policies including those related to human rights among the country’s industry players and foreign investors.

“Miti will continue to work with stakeholders, especially the industry in inculcating ethical values ​​and regulatory compliance to prevent forced labour practices and improve awareness on good employee practices by the industry,” it said. ― Bernama