IPOH, Dec 20 — The Perak State Assembly (DUN) today approved the motion to appoint Datuk Iskandar Dzulkarnain Abdul Khalid and Datuk Shamsuddin Abd Ghaffar as Senate members after they obtained 34 and 32 votes respectively.

Iskandar Dzulkarnain, 45, holds a bachelor’s degree in business, human resource and marketing from a university in Perth, Australia and is currently chairman of Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation (Bioeconomy Corporation).

Shamsuddin, 72, who is Ipoh Barat Umno chief has served as Ipoh City Council (MBI) member for 18 years and is a board member of Perak Water Board and Perak Foundation for five years.

They will replace two senators from the state whose term ended last August 12.

Earlier, Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu (Bersatu-Chenderiang) who is also youth and sports minister proposed Iskandar Dzulkarnain as Senator and the motion was seconded by Razman Zakaria (Pas-Gunung Semanggol).

Shamsuddin’s appointment was proposed by Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad (BN-Kota Tampan) who is also Perak mentri besar and the motion was seconded by Datuk Sham Mat Sahat (BN-Alor Pongsu).

The assembly had earlier passed the Syariah Courts Enactment (Perak) (Amendment) Bill 2021 which involves an improvement to 13 existing provisions and additional five new provisions to strengthen the state Shariah Court.

“Legal practitioners are urged to apply the provisions in the enforcement of court order,” Saarani said when winding up the debate on the bill today.

Today’s sitting also unanimously approved three motions for improvements in future assembly sittings and state enactments which involved the Proposed Amendment to the Standing Orders of the Perak State Assembly; to Appoint Members to the Special Select Committee to Study the New Building of the Perak State Assembly and to Form a Special Select Committee to Review the Perak Darul Ridzuan State Enactments.

The state assembly sitting which took place from 9am to 2.30pm today has been postponed to an undetermined date. — Bernama