PUTRAJAYA, Dec 19 — The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) will intensify its monitoring of the supply of goods in the country, especially during the monsoon season.

Its enforcement director Azman Adam said the move was necessary to ensure that the supply of essential items is enough and easily obtained during the period.

He said the monitoring included checks on the Dedicated Distributor Manufacturer (DDM), Dedicated Distributor Wholesaler (DDW) and Dedicated Distributor Retailer (DDR) appointed throughout the country and other premises.

“The strict monitoring was to ensure that supply of necessary goods is always enough for the consumers especially in areas that were badly affected because of the floods now,” he said in a statement.


He also said the ministry’s enforcement officers nationwide will work together with other government agencies to ensure that the supply of essential items is enough and within reach in the affected areas.

According to him, the ministry’s Enforcement Command Centre (ECC) nationwide had been activated to make sure that reports regarding supply shortages of essential items in areas affected by the floods are swiftly overcome.

“KPDNHEP will also ensure that its enforcement officers in the field are always ready to face any possibility,” he said.


Azman also reminded traders not to resort to hoarding to ensure consumer basic needs are adequate.

He added that action will be taken against traders who are involved in hoarding activities under the Control of Supplies Act 1961. — Bernama