KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 22 — There are approximately 28 million users of social media in Malaysia as of January 2021, according to Communications and Multimedia Ministry (KKMM) secretary-general Datuk Seri Mohammad Mentek.

He said the figures showed that Malaysians were among the most active in social media.

In fact, he said the number had increased by two million or seven per cent in just a year from 2020, believed due to the current pandemic situation which caused the people to stay home most of the time following the implementation of the movement control order (MCO).

“The use of Internet has been on the rise since we face the MCO and the country’s social media users made up 86 per cent of the total population in January 2021,” he said in the Bicara Eksklusif: Kuasa Media Sosial Perangkap Atau Pemangkin streamed live on KKMM Facebook today.

Besides, Mohammad said civil servants also need to understand and be clear on how to use social media, especially the difference between performing official duties and personal use.

Mohammad said civil servants should be wise in using social media to ensure that their duties can be performed smoothly and responsibly.

“Sometimes we forget that once a civil servant, always a civil servant, 24/7. Being a civil servant doesn’t mean that we can make comments on social media at our whims and fancy outside our working hours.

“No. We are members of public service. So, we cannot say that the comments were personal, nothing to do with our official job and so on, no!” he said.

He said civil servants were not politicians and thus, should uphold and abide by the policies of the government of the day.

Mohammad also encouraged the public to follow the official social media channels of KKMM Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa, Deputy Minister Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin and himself for information on the latest development in the country and programmes implemented by the government. — Bernama