GEORGE TOWN, Aug 24 — The Penang Covid-19 Fund has received a RM1 million boost following the recent appeal to provide aid to the state health department in their fight against the coronavirus.

Dufu Technology Corp Bhd, a public-listed advanced one-stop manufacturing facility, has reached out to donate RM500,000 while its group executive chairman, Lee Hui Ta, also donated an additional RM500,000 in his own capacity to the fund.

Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said that the fund would be used to ensure Covid-19 patients admitted to the hospital and other facilities can receive adequate healthcare.

At a mock cheque handover ceremony today, the Chief Minister also expressed appreciation to various corporate citizens in Penang, NGOs, private sector organisations and community-based organisations for responding and collaborating with the state government and the state health department in the fight against Covid-19 since March last year.

“On behalf of the Penang government, I would also like to record my deepest appreciation to Dufu Technology and Lee for their kind contributions. This money will be channelled to the state health department to equip them to increase their capacity as required,” he said.

Chow said that through such collaborative efforts, assistance was able to be granted to those who have been impacted by Covid-19, including the latest initiative that saw the Caring Community Complex being transformed into a Covid-19 quarantine and treatment centre.

“I am happy to announce that the quarantine and treatment centre is now open and has already received several patients two days ago,” he added. — Bernama