KUALA LUMPUR, June 7 — The National Union of Teaching Professions (NUTP) has urged the Ministry of Education to temporarily postpone several programmes to enable teachers to focus fully on Home-based Teaching and Learning ((PdPR).

Its secretary-general Harry Tan Huat Hock said if the programmes are continued, it would only add burden and cause teachers to lose concentration on PdPR implementation.

He said among the programmes that needed to be postponed were the School Transformation 2025 (TS25); implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum; Performance Dialogue; the second wave of Malaysian Education Quality Standard (SKPMg2) and Integrated Assessment for Education Service Officers (PBPPP).

“NUTP welcomes the programmes which have been arranged, but we are of the view that the main focus of education at a time when the country is struggling to curb the spread of Covid-19 is to further improve PdPR with a more structured system planning,” he said in a statement today.

Tan said of late, face-to-face learning had often been disrupted forcing students to study from home.

As such he said it was important that PdPR is implemented successfully so that no student is left behind in education, especially those in the rural areas and from low-income households.

“Educators need to focus fully on PdPR because students have been denied a proper education in the last two years due to Covid-19,” he said.

“Yesterday, Senior Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin said school session after the current mid-year break will continue with PdPR for 25 days, according to the respective states’ school calendar. — Bernama