KUALA LUMPUR, April 30 — Graphic artist Fahmi Reza Mohd Zarin has been called by the police to give his statement on two different social media postings.

Fahmi said that the probe is being carried out under Section 504 of the Penal Code and Section 233 (1) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

“Today, the police summoned me to the station for 2 new cases against me. One at IPD Kajang, the other at IPD Sepang. I am being investigated under the 504KK and 233AKM for the 2 posts below. No matter what obstacles come my way, I will continue to fight,” he posted in his Twitter account today.



Section 504 of the Penal Code deals with deliberate attempts to humiliate with the intention of breaching the peace and carries a prison sentence of up to two years, or a fine, or both.

The other charge involves Section 233 (1) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, whereby a person who uses the internet or telephone to spread false news may be subject to legal action. If found guilty, they can be fined RM50,000 or imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year, or both.

Fahmi added that he is prepared to defend his postings and will give his statement to the police next Thursday.

The police have also called up a few people, including PKR’s Lembah Pantai MP Fahmi Fadzil, who participated in a solidarity gathering outside Dang Wangi police station on April 24, following Fahmi Reza’s arrest for sedition.

The day before that, Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Huzir Mohamed in a statement confirmed his department’s arrest of Fahmi Reza, following police reports over alleged insults against the Raja Permaisuri Agong.