IPOH, Oct 27 — Beruas MP Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham today accused the Perak government and State Agriculture Development Corporation (SADC) of being complicit in the destruction of the mangrove ecosystem in the Manjung district.

Ngeh claimed that the state government has tasked the oversight of many mangrove areas to SADC, which in turn leased them to third parties for aquaculture purposes such as prawn and fish farms.

“The state has the largest tracts of mangrove land along Sungai Segari, Sungai Dinding, Sungai Sitiawan and Sungai Sempit in Segari, Manjung district.

“Recently, some fishermen in Segari have complained that the number of crabs, prawns and fish has decreased due to water pollution and that many mangrove areas which are the breeding grounds for crabs, prawns and fish have been destroyed and used for aquaculture,” he said in a statement.

The former state Speaker cited as an example a 125.151ha piece of land on PT 17012 and PT 17013 in Wilayah Kota Siam, Segari.

“The state government and SADC should be role models to the people in preserving the ecological system of mangroves in Perak.

“I urge SADC to return the mangrove areas along the rivers to the state government so that they can be preserved,” he said.

Malay Mail has reached out Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu and SADC for comment.