KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 7 — High Court judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan presiding over Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s corruption trial is expected to listen to an application by the prosecution on the admissibility of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) audio recordings of phone calls between her and her husband Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

The prosecution will be applying to admit the audio clips, dubbed the “Can I advise you something” recordings, as evidence in this trial to show Rosmah’s character and her “overbearing” nature.

In the opening statement of the trial, the prosecution had posited that Rosmah also wields “considerable influence”, has the power to sway decisions in the public sector, and took active steps to help Jepak Holdings Sdn Bhd secure the RM1.25 billion solar hybrid project for rural schools in Sarawak.

During previous trial days, Rosmah lawyers repeatedly objected to the MACC audio being admitted as evidence in court, arguing it amounts to the “character assassination” of their client.

Zaini has set October 20 to hear the application and counter-arguments from Rosmah’s lawyers.

Rosmah’s connection with Saidi

Today, in court, the last prosecution witness, MACC investigative officer Noornabilah Mohd Aziman, was released from the witness stand after two gruelling days of cross-examination by the defence lawyers.

Noornabilah was repeatedly questioned over the credibility of her investigations and documented evidence that has been tendered to the court.

Today, defence counsel Datuk Akberdin Abdul Kadir had again claimed that the MACC practised selective prosecution against Rosmah and even called Noornabilah “incompetent” for not conducting a thorough investigation.

During re-examination, deputy public prosecutor, Ahmad Akram Gharib, asked Noornabilah whether Rosmah had personally known Jepak Holdings managing director Saidi Abang Samsudin.

Noornabilah confirmed to the court that during her investigations, she found that Rosmah was introduced to Saidi by her special officer, Datuk Rizal Mansor.  

This allegedly contradicted Rosmah’s statement, as recorded by the MACC, during the course of its investigations.

She had stated that she did not know Saidi or his business partner, Rayyan Radzwill Abdullah.

In the statement, she also denied soliciting RM187.5 million from Saidi as gratification in exchange for helping the latter’s firm win the RM1.25 billion solar hybrid project.

The statement in question was submitted as an exhibit to the court by the prosecution.

Mahdzir Khalid last to be cross-examined

The court is then expected to hear testimony from former education minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid on October 20 as he was recalled for further cross-examination by Rosmah’s lawyers before the case finally proceeds to submissions.

The Padang Terap MP was originally scheduled to testify last Monday but had to comply with a home quarantine order until October 12.

In this trial, Rosmah is accused of soliciting RM187.5 million in bribes from Saidi, of accepting a RM1.5 million bribe directly from him and a separate RM5 million bribe via Rizal, in exchange for helping Jepak Holdings win a RM1.25 billion solar energy project from the Education Ministry.