KUALA LUMPUR, June 16 — The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) has confiscated 1,767kg of cooking oil, 2,538kg of wheat flour and 1,397kg of sugar — all amounting to more than RM50,000 — from a popular supermarket in Setiawangsa following a spot check yesterday.

In a statement today, the ministry said the supermarket was suspected to have committed two offences — possessing scheduled controlled goods in excess of the allowed amount and failing to maintain a stock book.

Further investigation is being conducted on the owner for the offences committed under Rules 21 (1) of the Control of Supplies Regulations 1974, Control of Supplies Act 1961 for violating Rules 10 (1) of the Control of Supplies Regulations 1974, which is the possession or storing of scheduled control goods exceeding the permitted limit as stipulated under Rules 13(1) of the Control of Supplies Supplies Regulations 1974.

In addition, the inspection was also conducted to assess whether the supermarket complied with the recovery movement control order (RMCO) as it had been approved to operate for 24 hours by the Kuala Lumpur Crisis Management Centre (CMC) on June 12.

“It was found that the supermarket failed to adhere to the RMCO’s standard operating procedure (SOP) due to its owner’s failure to understand the SOP that had been issued.

“Nevertheless, the Kuala Lumpur KPDNHEP provided guidance and briefing on the day of the spot check was carried out and the supermarket has taken immediate action to implement all the relevant SOPs,” the statement said.

Meanwhile, all supermarkets and business premises in Kuala Lumpur have been advised to obey the decision of the Kuala Lumpur CMC on the use of the MySejahtera app to register customers entering their premises.

As of June 15, a total of 3,655 premises have been inspected by Kuala Lumpur KPDNHEP for the purpose of monitoring the SOPs set for the movement control order (MCO) by the National Security Council and Ministry of Health. — Bernama