KANGAR, March 22 — The Perlis Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIPs) has issued guidelines for the burial of Muslims died from Covid-19 infection in the state.

MAIPs in a statement said the Raja Muda of Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Jamalullail had decreed that the burial rites must be carried out based on the guidelines by the Perlis Mufti Department.

It said the washing and enshrouding of the remains must be done in a hospital or any premises permitted by the authorities, under the advice of the Health Ministry officials.

The rites must be carried out with certain allowances accorded if there was a possibility of harm to the lives of those handling the remains.

In this regard, it is sufficient to carry out a tayammum procedure on the body bag or plastic that wraps the remains, it said.

It also said that it was sufficed to just place a piece of cloth to cover the body bag as a part of the enshrouding process.

The cloth, however, must be placed by the Health Ministry official, it said, adding that only an imam and a few close family members are allowed to be present during the burial. — Bernama