KUALA LUMPUR, March 20 — Malaysians must learn to protect themselves from the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and avoid adding burden to the country’s public health infrastructure, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said in an appeal today.

Malaysia is in its third day of a two-week Movement Control Order enforced to try and contain Covid-19 in the country but some sections of the public are still not restricting themselves to their homes as directed.

Dr Noor Hisham previously warned of a possible third wave of Covid-19 infections that could reach “tsunami-like” proportions if Malaysia cannot contain the rate of new infections.

“Best way to help MOH. Do everything to prevent yourself from getting infected. One less person infected means we are helping break the chain of infection.

“Protect those >60yrs & those with medical conditions. Help them so as they don’t need to leave home & teach them to protect themselves,” he said on Twitter this morning.

Malaysia recorded another 110 new Covid-19 infections yesterday to bring the country’s total to 900 cases since the coronavirus first appeared here. Local deaths from Covid-19 remained at two.

Globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to over 240,000 infections spread across 178 countries, with nearly 10,000 deaths.