KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 9 — Back in 2017, the Malaysian government talked about launching the Electronic Government Unclaimed Money Information System (eGUMIS) to make it easier for the rakyat to check if they had any unclaimed monies. Basically, unclaimed monies are made up of inactive bank accounts, unclaimed fixed deposits that have expired, insurance payouts and other various interests.

At the time, the only recourse for citizens concerned was to head over to the Accountant General’s Department of Malaysia (AGD), and line up to see if they had any unclaimed monies that were claimable. However, it was noted to be an exasperating process — lining up for hours without a guarantee that you’ll actually have unclaimed monies will do that.

As of October 31, 2019, the total unclaimed monies amounted to almost RM7 billion, with the department promising to have a portal set up for people to find out if any of the money rightfully belongs to them. Our colleagues over at SoyaCincau BM recently discovered that the eGUMIS portal is now functional, and you can check your unclaimed monies status online.

To do so, head over to the eGUMIS portal, and register for an account by clicking on “Registration” (near the top of the page). Once you’ve filled in the necessary details, log in with your new credentials at the “Login” page. Once you’ve verified the registration via email, you’ll be required to set a permanent password for your account.

Once you’ve logged in, click on “Carian Wang Tak Dituntut” (on the left-sided panel) and key in your IC number. While you can search for others’ IC numbers as well, do note that you’re only allowed two searches per day.

If your search shows that you do have money that can be claimed, it will be displayed under “Hasil Carian”. Next, print your list by clicking on “Cetak”, and save the list as a PDF.

Finally, you’ll need to make an application for the unclaimed moneys to be returned to you. The portal doesn’t integrate the application process currently, so you’ll need to send make an application with the Account General’s Department of Malaysia. To find out more about the process, click here. — SoyaCincau