KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 20 ― The Royal Malaysian Navy appointed the first woman captain in its 83-year history with the promotion of Rohana Jupri to the position at a ceremony at KD Sri Gombak here yesterday.

The 54-year-old, who joined the navy 33 years ago, was also the first woman commanding officer at the Western Naval Supply Depot in Lumut, Perak before her promotion, The Star Online reported today.

“This is a proud moment for me and indeed a grand recognition from my superiors. I am thankful for this,” the mother-of-four reportedly said after the ceremony.

She hoped her promotion to a position previously held by only men in the navy will inspire other women officers to work towards rising up the ranks to senior positions in the navy.

Kpt Rohana was in charge of food rations, fuel and other naval needs in the Western Naval Supply Depot in Lumut and she attributed her skills in rationing to managing her own household matters.

The Tanjung Karang native travels four hours each week to her base while her husband, Anuar Yahya, 57, cares for their children aged between 16 and 21 at home.

“The journey can be quite tiring but duty calls and I look forward to being with my family again every weekend,” she reportedly said.

She thanked navy chief Admiral Tan Sri Ahmad Kamarulzaman Ahmad Badaruddin for his recognition of her competency and skill and attributed her promotion to her husband's support.

Kpt Rohana continues to aim high and hope to one day become the navy's first woman First Admiral.

Her words of wisdom to others, men and women officers, were that everyone can achieve anything if they put their minds to it.

“After all, we received the same training and ate the same rations. We just need to prove ourselves,” she said.