KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 8 — Umno lawmaker Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim said today that his “balik tongsan” remark in Parliament was made in jest, claiming that he has been called “tambi” before but took it in stride.

Abdul Azeez also told The Star Online that he has a good relationship with Malaysians across race and religion.

“My friends in the media of all languages also know my good relations with all people and they can surely vouch that I am no racist,” Abdul Azeez was quoted saying.

The Baling MP said he had apologised and retracted his “balik tongsan” remark upon instructions from Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia Wednesday.

“Balik tongsan” means “go back to China”. Although not derogatory, the term is sometimes viewed as an insult to the ethnic Chinese who were born here and have Malaysian citizenship.

“Tambi” is a non-derogatory Tamil term that means “little brother”.

The Star reported that Abdul Azeez had made the “balik tongsan” remark in Parliament Wednesday after he was interrupted by a few opposition lawmakers.

Abdul Azeez had reportedly said to Kota Kinabalu MP Jimmy Wong from the DAP, “Apek, duduklah” [Apek, sit down lah], using a derogatory term for the Chinese.

When Wong refused to sit down, Abdul Azeez reportedly told him to “balik tongsan”.