SHANGHAI, Sept 25 — Wearing a mascot costume can be a stuffy and uncomfortable affair but Shanghai Disneyland mascots now have to contend with a new job hazard — random attacks.

In a recent clip that has gone viral on Weibo and Douyin (China’s version of TikTok), a middle-aged man can be seen slapping a Disneyland staffer in a Winnie the Pooh costume, laughing as he does it.

Later on, the person in the suit can be seen clutching their head in what might be pain or discomfort as a nearby staffer is seen talking to the aggressor.

Apparently, according to the various comments online, this isn’t even an isolated incident.

Various other similar occurrences have occurred including this one where a child punches a Winnie the Pooh mascot in the stomach.

As far back as 2018, a man was banned from Shanghai Disneyland for hitting a worker dressed as ShellieMay the Disney bear, slapping the worker in the back apparently to get their attention.