LOS ANGELES, July 6 – Have you heard this catchy song that’s all the rage on TikTok?

“I’m looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6 ft 5”, blue eyes.”

Considered the song of the summer by internet users, this video was posted by the American TikToker girl_on_couch, whose real name is Megan Boni.

Since the end of April, this 19-second song has racked up 54 million views on the social network. Some DJs, like David Guetta, have even remixed it. The phenomenon is such that young women are walking around with signs bearing the words “I’m looking for a man in finance” in business districts in the UK and France, while chanting the words of the song.


Can someone make this into an actual song plz just for funzies

original sound - Girl On Couch

Caricaturing “finance bros”

Although women seem to be showing more interest in so-called finance bros, these types haven’t always had a good reputation. They have often been subject to stereotypes about their social behavior. Among the most widespread clichés on TikTok is the idea that this kind of guy is a womanizer who is disrespectful, arrogant and obsessed with stock market figures. Finance bros have also been vilified in popular culture, particularly after the 2008 financial crisis, as pointed out in an article in the Wall Street Journal.

Nevertheless, the creator of “I’m looking for a man in finance” has said that the video was supposed to be satirical. “It was 100 percent a parody. Everything I do on TikTok is satire,” Megan Boni told the Daily Beast. But although it’s a parody, it seems to have captured the essence of a new mindset among Generation Z.


@David Guetta #vegas @Encore Beach Club #finance

original sound - Gracie

The attraction of wealth

In recent years, digital natives have shown a growing attraction to financial security in romantic relationships. For Sabrina Bendory, relationship expert at Dating.com, this funny video actually touches on a sensitive topic for Generation Z. “This generation is pretty particular about things—they have a long list of requirements before they deem a product worthy of purchase or a job worthy of taking,” she told The Independent. “The same attitude carries over to dating and relationships, and this group is more inclined to openly post about their ‘ideal man’ or ‘perfect partner’ on social media.”

What’s more, Gen Z’s growing passion for elegant aesthetics, such as “quiet luxury,” only adds to this interest in financially comfortable lifestyles. “There is just a lot of interest in the lifestyles of the super elite. It’s almost a form of escapism, especially given the current state of the economy, and it’s easy to be seduced by that lifestyle and imagining what it would be like to literally never have to worry about money, and for your kids to never worry about money, and their kids, and on and on,” explains Sabrina Bendory.

A generation impacted by inflation

The search for a partner with a comfortable financial situation is now a decisive criterion in dating. Last year, singles started posting their credit score—an indicator of their financial situation—on their dating app profiles. Internet users reported that they found it easier to get dates and develop more serious relationships when their credit score was healthy. “A lot of people don’t think there is anything wrong with setting an intention to marry someone with money,” the dating expert explains.

Generation Z appears to give more thought to finances before committing to a serious relationship. This generation of young people are more money-conscious than their predecessors, due to the rising cost of living. This is evidenced by loud budgeting, a recent trend that involves being cautious about spending and not hiding it.

According to the Planning & Progress 2023 study by Northwestern Mutual, almost half of Generation Z (49%) believe that financial compatibility is more important than physical and spiritual compatibility. The survey also reveals that 32 per cent of Gen Zers believe that conversations about money should take place before a relationship becomes serious. — ETX Studio