KUALA LUMPUR, June 8 — Visitors to a goat ranch in east Japan get free admission if they nurse kid goats to sleep in their arms.

The event has gone viral on social media with a video featuring a woman at The Mutsuzawa Yagi Bokujo ranch nursing a kid goat to sleep gaining over 36,000 likes instantly, The Mainichi reported.

The ranch allows visitors to hug and lull kid goats who have been neglected by their parents.

The goal of the event is to "give solace to both visitors and goats starving for affection," according to the ranch located in the city of Mutsuzawa, Chiba Prefecture.

Ranch operator Hideo Kawawa had posted the video on his TikTok as an attempt to publicise the event which runs until June 15.

Kawawa came up with the initiative of allowing guests to hold kid goats after overhearing a comment made by a visitor.

The visitor was holding a kid goat and recalled how she missed the feeling when she was holding her daughter in her arms as a baby.

He recalled thinking, "If she could hold a young goat that is hungry for love, it would be good for both parties," and so he let her hold a kid goat.

According to Kawawa, goats have strong maternal instincts, making it difficult to separate the kid goats from their parents for a long period of time.

"Kid goats can be lulled to sleep until when they are around one month old, so it's an experience (for visitors) limited to this period."

On May 22, the 59-year-old ranch operator began offering free admission to visitors who could hold and lull kid goats to sleep, while the normal admission costs ¥800 (RM 26.39) for adults and ¥500 (RM 16.49) for children.