KUALA LUMPUR, June 8 — A bill banning the sale commercially-bred of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores was recently passed by the New York State Legislature.

The Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill prohibits pet stores from selling commercially-bred dogs, cats or rabbits from out-of-state “mills”, which subject animals to abuse, according to a press release from the The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

The bill also aims to “stop the flow of cruelly bred puppies into New York.” The bill which was introduced by Senate Deputy Majority Mike Gianaris and Assembly member Linda B. Rosenthal in January 2021, comes after the ASPCA claimed New York had one of the biggest puppy mill industry markets.

The bill passed the Assembly last week for the first time after several failed attempts in the past.

Gianaris said he hoped the legislation would end and prevent the abuse of animals and pet-seekers should instead turn to shelters and rescue organisations to adopt animals in need of a home.

Gianaris said: “With so many good animals in need of rescue, there is no need for pet stores to sell animals that predominantly come from abusive puppy and kitten mills.”

“Our four-legged companions should be treated with respect, not like commodities.”

Rosenthal said the bill would “finally shut down the pet store-to-puppy mill pipeline once and for all.”

Many animal welfare groups celebrated the bill’s passage.