PETALING JAYA, June 9 — A Perak woman’s “vaccine-friendly” blouse that was made especially for her mother’s vaccination day has gone viral on Twitter.

Speaking to Malay Mail, Nadhiratul Husna Abdul Haris said that her blouse became a hit on Twitter after she designed it for her mother.

“My mother called me a week before her vaccination and told me that she wanted to wear something convenient for her to use for her first shot of the Covid-19 vaccine.

“I thought about it and decided to sew a zipper on one of the sleeves so that she can easily unzip the sleeves before getting vaccinated without having to roll her sleeves.

“But unfortunately, I wasn’t able to courier the attire for her before her first vaccination dose but luckily, she is able to wear it when she gets her second dose of the vaccine.”

After posting her mother’s attire on Twitter, she was shocked to receive positive comments and had 70 people approach to order the “vaccine-friendly” blouses.

Nadhiratul Husna, an architecture graduate, was also surprised when many messaged her Instagram account to book their orders.

“I’ve also received an order from a friend in Singapore. And since I posted the pictures last week, many have also asked me to source for the fabrics and they want me to stitch a simple blouse of them.

“Because of the many orders, I decided to start my own business of making these blouses but I’m prioritising those whose vaccination dates are nearer,” she said.

Having always enjoyed sewing, she enrolled in online classes and even invested in a sewing machine last year.

Her post on Twitter has already received over 29,000 likes with many praising her for her cool idea while others had asked her to patent her creation before other companies steal her idea.

The price for each blouse is RM65 that comes with selected colours.