German foreign minister: Two-state solution for Cyprus not an option
German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock said a solution cound only be found based on the basis of United Nations resolutions.— Reuters pic

BERLIN, Jan 9 —German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said today a two-state solution for Cyprus is not an option and Germany will continue to push for a de-escalation of tensions on the island.

"Germany is solidly on your side. A solution can only be found based on the basis of United Nations resolutions,” said Baerbock during a joint news conference with her Cypriot counterpart, Ioannis Kasoulides.


The island of Cyprus was split after a 1974 Turkish invasion spurred by a brief coup engineered by the military then ruling Greece. Turkey does not recognise Cyprus’s Greek government. Attempts over the years to broker peace between the two sides have failed.

"Partition cannot be a solution,” said Kasoulides. "There are three elections coming up, in Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, and certainly efforts in moving forward to resuming a dialogue can only start after the Turkish elections,” he added. — Reuters

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