BBC: Myanmar’s Suu Kyi moved to prison from undisclosed location
Aung San Suu Kyi has been charged with at least 20 criminal offences since she was toppled in a military coup in February 2021. — Reuters pic

YANGON, June 23 — Myanmar's ruling military authorities have transferred deposed civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi to prison from the undisclosed location she has been held at since last year's army coup, news outlets including the BBC reported today.

The BBC's Burmese-language service cited sources as saying the Nobel laureate, 77, was now being held in a separate building inside the prison.


She has been charged with at least 20 criminal offences since she was toppled in a military coup in February 2021, including multiple counts of corruption.

Reuters could not reach Suu Kyi or her representatives for comment. Her lawyers have been barred from speaking about her cases. A spokesperson for the junta did not respond to requests for comment. — Reuters

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