Iran’s Raisi warns West against ‘excessive’ nuclear demands
Ebrahim Raisi, who assumed office as Iranu00e2u20acu2122s president this month, speaks during a news conference in Tehran, Iran June 21, 2021. u00e2u20acu2022 Reuters pic

TEHRAN, Nov 4 — Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned Western governments today he would accept no "excessive demands” in nuclear talks set to resume later this month after a five-month gap.

Diplomats yesterday finally announced the November 29 start date for renewed negotiations after a protracted delay since the June election of Raisi, an ultraconservative. 


"We will not walk away from the negotiating table but we will also oppose any excessive demands that would end up harming the interests of the Iranian people,” Raisi said.

"We will not retreat in any way when it comes to interests of the Iranian people but will continue our efforts to neutralise the oppressive sanctions and are taking action to have them lifted.”

Raisi was speaking at a ceremony in the city of Semnam, east of the capital, marking the anniversary of the 1979 seizure of the US embassy in Tehran by radical students, an episode that still clouds relations.

The nuclear talks, which are being brokered by European mediators as Tehran refuses to deal with US negotiators directly, are aimed at bringing Washington back into a 2015 agreement with Iran that was abandoned by former president Donald Trump.

President Joe Biden has said he is ready to rejoin the deal under which Iran agreed to strict limits on its nuclear activities in exchange for relief from sweeping sanctions, but the two sides remain at odds over the details.

Iran wants a lifting of all US sanctions but the Biden administration says that it will only negotiate measures taken by Trump over the nuclear programme, such as a unilateral ban on oil sales — not steps imposed on other concerns such as human rights.

Iran also wants commitments that the United States will remain bound by the deal — an unlikely proposition in Washington, where Trump’s Republican Party fiercely opposes Biden’s diplomacy with Iran.

Washington insists that Tehran must return to full compliance with the limits on its nuclear programme it agreed in 2015 and has warned repeatedly that the window of opportunity for a deal is fast closing. — AFP

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