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10A announcement exacerbates inequality, puts STPM at risk — Umany

JULY 6 — Recently, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that all students who achieve 10As or more in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) will be guaranteed a spot in the Matriculation programme, regardless of their ethnic background. Umany believes that while this announcement appears progressive, it is in fact a populist policy that exacerbates the inequity in the university admission mechanism.

Umany urges the government to clarify three major questions:


1. Without abolishing the quota system (90:10) in the matriculation programme, is 10 per cent of the quota sufficient for all 10A students? (Does 10A include A+, A, and A-?)

Has the government considered whether the current resource allocation and teaching staff are adequate to support this measure, or is it merely an empty promise? Assuming there are enough spaces, allowing all 10A non-Bumiputera students into the Matriculation programme while retaining the quota system will inevitably overcrowd the programme. This will lead to an overflow of students with a CGPA of 4.0, creating more grievances in the application process for popular university courses and further marginalizing outstanding STPM students.

Students celebrate after receiving the results of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) at Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah May 27, 2024. Recently, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that all students who achieve 10As or more in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) will be guaranteed a spot in the Matriculation programme, regardless of their ethnic background. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

2. Why are only 10A students eligible for the Matriculation programme?

The admission criteria for the science stream in the Matriculation programme focus on four science subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Additional Mathematics. After the "10A Announcement,” students who excel in these science subjects may not necessarily get a place in the Matriculation programme. For example, a student with 10As including four A- in science subjects would be prioritized over a student with four A+ in science subjects but fewer than 10As overall. This will affect the standard of students in the Matriculation programme. Furthermore, students from "SMK” typically take nine subjects, so this announcement will unfairly exclude them, further worsening admission inequality.

3. Is the government indirectly undermining the value of STPM?

The "10A Announcement” seems to acknowledge the Matriculation programme as a shortcut to university admission, relegating the long-established and internationally recognized STPM to a last resort. In the 2018/2019 academic year, a total of 54,104 STPM and Matriculation students applied to public universities through UPU, with 33,197 of them being STPM students and 20,907 being Matriculation students. After the UPU and universities’ selection processes, 24,375 STPM students and 20,269 Matriculation students were admitted. If the number of Matriculation slots increases further, it is foreseeable that STPM students will become even more disadvantaged.

In conclusion, Umany believes that the "10A Announcement” is a short-sighted move by the government to placate the public, which not only fails to address the root cause of admission inequity but also exacerbates the problem. Umany believes that a truly bold move would be to abolish the racial quota system and unify the pre-university admission mechanism.

Campus Democracy, Student Democracy


* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail.

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