What You Think
Ensure tabling of Sabah and Sarawak Labour Ordinances in Parliament this October — Labour Solidarity and Learning Resources Association

SEPTEMBER 16 — The Labour Solidarity and Learning Resources Association (LLRC), previously known as the Labour Law Reform Coalition, welcomes the green light given by the Sabah and Sarawak governments on Sabah Labour Ordinance and Sarawak Labour Ordinance.

The association urge the governments to ensure that the two bills are tabled in the parliament in October 2023. The governments should make sure the updated Sabah Labour Ordinance and Sarawak Labour Ordinance are on par with the Federal government’s Employment Act (Amendment) 2012 and the Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities (Amendment) Act 2019.


The trade unions and workers in East Malaysia have been longing for equal labour standards with workers in West Malaysia for decades. We are disappointed the outdated labour ordinances have permitted discrimination and exploitation of workers in East Malaysia.

The awkward situation of "one country, three set of labour laws” must be ended. In the future, the amendments of Employment Act, Sabah Labour Ordinance and Sarawak Labour Ordinances should be tabled simultaneously in the parliament without delay.

The trade unions and workers in East Malaysia have been longing for equal labour standards with workers in West Malaysia for decades. Picture by FIrdaus Latif

* This is the personal opinion of the writers or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail.

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