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Change perspectives: Let’s talk about obesity and cancer—Soh Yih Harng and Moy Foong Ming
What You Think

MARCH 2 — Globally, obesity and overweight continue to grow yearly. It has nearly tripled since 1975. Today, around 2.5 billion people are obese and overweight.

According to the Malaysia National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2019, about half of the adults in Malaysia were obese (19.7 per cent) and overweight (30.4 per cent) compared to 2011, with 15.1 per cent obese and 29.4 per cent overweight.


Obesity was once considered a high-income country problem; however, now it is widely observed in low- and middle-income countries, including Malaysia, particularly in urban settings.

Globally, obesity and overweight continue to grow yearly. It has nearly tripled since 1975. Today, around 2.5 billion people are obese and overweight. — AFP pic Globally, obesity and overweight continue to grow yearly. It has nearly tripled since 1975. Today, around 2.5 billion people are obese and overweight. — AFP pic
Globally, obesity and overweight continue to grow yearly. It has nearly tripled since 1975. Today, around 2.5 billion people are obese and overweight. — AFP pic

In Putrajaya, 63.3 per cent of adults are obese and overweight, exceeding the national rate of 50.1 per cent.

Obesity and overweight increase the risk of most cancers, including breast, colorectal, ovarian, uterine, oesophageal, kidney, pancreatic, and liver cancers.

Compared with normal-weight women, uterus cancer is two to four times more likely in women with obesity. Obese women have a 20 to 40 per cent higher chance of having breast cancer than normal-weight women.

The link between obesity and cancer risk is complex. It involves increased chronic inflammation, higher insulin-like cancer growth factor levels and hormones (1,2).

Obesity is preventable. The fundamental cause of obesity is an energy imbalance between calorie intake and calories expended.

A positive energy balance, in which energy intake exceeds expenditure, causes weight gain attributable to body fat.

Multiple factors are associated with cancer, but avoiding obesity is an important step to lower cancer risks. Limiting energy intake from total fats and sugar, increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, and engaging in regular physical activity can prevent obesity and cancer.

In conjunction with the World Obesity Day (March 4, 2023) theme "Changing Perspectives: Let’s Talk About Obesity”, let’s all work together by managing our body weight to ensure happier, healthier, and longer lives for everyone.

* Dr Soh Yih Harng, DrPH candidate, and Professor Dr. Moy Foong Ming, Centre for Epidemiology & Evidence-Based Practice, Department of Social Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya.

** This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail.

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