Second case of far-right radicalisation: 16-year-old Singaporean who identified as white supremacist issued restriction order under ISA
The youth identified as a white supremacist after watching content made by right-wing extremists in the United States. — iStock pic via TODAY

SINGAPORE, Jan 24 — A 16-year-old Singaporean student who identified as a white supremacist and aspired to conduct attacks against minority groups overseas was issued with a restriction order under the Internal Security Act in November 2023, the Internal Security Department (ISD) said today.

Investigations found that the teen, who was a Secondary Four student at the time, had been self-radicalised by online far-right extremist propaganda and wanted to further the white supremacist cause, even though he is of Chinese ethnicity.


He is the second Singaporean to be dealt with under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies.

The first was detained under the ISA in December 2020, and ISD said today that he was released and issued with a Suspension Direction this month.

ISD said the 19-year-old Singaporean has made good progress in his rehabilitation and is assessed to "no longer pose an imminent security threat”.

Radicalised by white supremacist videos

The 16-year-old who was issued the restriction order in November first chanced upon videos online by American far-right political commentator and white supremacist Paul Nicholas Miller, who advocates for a race war, in 2022.

By early 2023, he had developed an intense hatred of communities typically targeted by far-right extremists, including African Americans, Arabs and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Fuelled by online extremist rhetoric, he came to believe that African Americans were responsible for a significant percentage of crime in the United States and deserved to "die a horrible death”.

He subscribed to the Great Replacement Theory commonly referenced by far-right terrorists such as Christchurch attacker Brenton Tarrant, which propagates the idea that the indigenous white population in Western countries are in danger of being replaced by non-white immigrants.

He also perceived illegal Arab immigrants as having committed violent attacks against white populations in Western countries.

The youth participated in several far-right online chat groups and channels, where he shared violent anti-African American videos, as doing so gave him a sense of belonging to the white supremacist community, the ISD said.

At the point of investigation, he strongly identified as a white supremacist and pro-white sympathiser, and hoped to be recruited for violent attacks by white supremacist groups overseas to "fight for the whites”.

Aspired to attack

The student had considered travelling to Western countries such as France, Italy, the US, and Russia, to participate in attacks against his vilified communities.

Specifically, he shared his interest to conduct a mass shooting in the US in 10 years’ time in a far-right online chat group.

But beyond online searches for weapons, he did not take steps to actualise his attack aspirations as he lacked the financial resources and know-how to do so.

There was no indication that the youth had tried to influence his family or friends with his violent extremist views, nor were they aware of his attack ideations.

The youth also had no plans to conduct any attacks locally, as he felt that these communities had not caused trouble in Singapore.

In contrast, the earlier case who was radicalised by far-right extremist ideology had made detailed plans and preparations to conduct terrorist attacks using a machete against Muslims at two mosques in Singapore, and was detained under the ISA.

Rehabilitation programme

As part of his restriction order, the 16-year-old youth will be required to undergo a holistic rehabilitation programme aimed at countering the violent extremist ideologies that he had imbibed online.

The rehabilitation programme will be geared towards helping the youth internalise that his racial supremacist views are incompatible with Singapore’s multi-racial and multi-religious society, the ISD said.

They added that the teen will receive psychological counselling by ISD psychologists to address his propensity to violence and factors that render him vulnerable to radical influences.

Such factors include his emotional regulation and self-identity issues, which had fuelled his desire to identify as a white supremacist and be part of a like-minded, seemingly powerful group.

ISD case officers will also engage the youth regularly to monitor his rehabilitation and work closely with his family and school to ensure that he has sufficient support.

He has also been assigned two mentors who will provide him with additional guidance and cyber-wellness skills. The two mentors are Ministry of Education-trained teachers who are volunteers from the Religious Rehabilitation Group, who have experience working with and coaching youths.

In addition, ISD is working with community partners such as the Inter-Agency Aftercare Group to explore suitable community-based programmes which will equip him with pro-social skills.

While under the restriction order, the teen cannot access the Internet or social media, issue public statements, address public meetings or print, distribute, contribute to any publication.

He is also not permitted to change his residence or travel out of Singapore without the approval of the Director of the ISD.

A ‘need to maintain vigilance’

ISD said that while far-right extremist ideologies have not gained a significant foothold in Singapore, the cases of these two youths serve as a reminder that Singaporeans are not immune to such ideologies, and that there is a need to maintain vigilance.

Far-right ideologies, which often espouse white supremacist, anti-Islam, xenophobic and anti-immigration beliefs, can be adapted to fit the Singaporean landscape, they added.

"Far-right extremist rhetoric promotes an ‘us-versus-them’ narrative, ‘them’ being members of other communities who are perceived to be the enemy.

"Such divisive rhetoric can create deep societal divides, amplify prejudices, and encourage acts of violence towards minorities or ‘out-groups’,” ISD said.

ISD urged Singaporeans to be vigilant to signs that the people around us may have become radicalised.

Possible signs of radicalisation include:

  • Frequently surfing radical websites;
  • Posting or sharing extremist views on social media platforms, such as expressing support or admiration for terrorists or terrorist groups as well as the use of violence;
  • Sharing extremist views with friends and relatives;
  • Making remarks that promote ill-will or hatred towards people of other races or religions;
  • Expressing intent to participate in acts of violence overseas or in Singapore;
  • Inciting others to participate in acts of violence


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