
Cancer Diaries: Knowing when to adjust your difficulty level
Wednesday, 19 Feb 2025 11:07 AM MYT By Erna Mahyuni

FEBRUARY 19 — Something’s got to give, sometimes.

In my case it was my pretending that I could keep being resilient without cracking — evidenced by the loud guttural howl-scream when my water bottle tipped into my bag and submerged all its contents, including my laptop and hospital documents.


My hospital appointment book, my echocardiogram request form, my power bank and everything else inside were soaked and I knew, irretrievably altered.

Kind of like what cancer does to your life, if you think about it.

A last minute rescheduling of a gynaecologist appointment meant my trying to fit it into a day when I already had work as well as a visit to the clinic for an immunity jab.

It didn’t cross my mind to move it, to put it on a less full day, I didn’t think about whether I could handle it because that’s just how I handle most things, assuming I will get done what needs to get done because I must.

I forgot that I had a choice.

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What I also forgot is that I could no longer just cavalierly juggle everything and I realised, right then, that my housemate and longtime friend was so right to worry about me the first month of my diagnosis.

She knew all too well that I tend to take the brute force method, charging through things and life just to get things over with... and perhaps it’s time I stop doing that.

Adjusting expectations

Video games these days let you adjust your difficulty level.

Can’t beat that boss? Dial it down a level.

In my case, I sleep a lot earlier now and try to schedule fewer things in a day.

Sometimes, though, I’ll have a crowded week full of medical appointments and errands that I think can’t be managed but forgetting I do have options.

My gynaecologist appointment could have been put off or rescheduled, or I could just change doctors.

I didn’t have to try to squeeze everything in if it’s not absolutely important.

Perhaps I also needed a reminder of my own hubris.

I thought that I was perfectly organised, that my bottle was spillproof, that placing all my hospital docs in my huge leather purse would ensure I would never forget them, that I was prepared for every eventuality.

Well, I wasn’t.

Recent incidents have made the columnist realise she tends to bulldoze through life — and maybe it’s time to stop. — Freepik pic

I was most upset about my hospital documentation being compromised knowing full well I needed them for my appointments.

Fortunately my dehumidifier salvaged my documents, minimising the damage and preventing them from disintegrating, though I am sure the hospital reception desk will side-eye me a little.

We keep being told to exercise, to eat right, to live a healthy lifestyle to prevent chronic illness but what they never tell you is that you can do everything right and still get sick.

These days I lose balance without warning, keeling over to the side during showers or just reaching for something.

No matter how much physical therapy I do I will have to accept that I could fall and that I need to better prepare for what I need to do if that happens.

As I go to my medical appointments alone most of the time I will probably have to look into an ID bracelet should I fall unconscious for any reason.

I wish I could have company but the long waits and KL General Hospital having neither Wi-Fi, seats nor usable public power outlets make me not want to impose on anyone.

My only alternative is to chat with people online or via WhatsApp, while also informing them of my own personal "emergency protocol” — who to inform, which hospital I’d rather go to via ambulance if I’m not in a hospital already and what might need taking care of (my cat, mostly).

At the same time I’m going to have to make peace with my realisation that no matter how I prepare, how many hacks I try or tools I collect, sometimes the only way you find out something isn’t working is when it fails.

You live, you learn, you fall and you clamber right back up even if you need to pause for a bit to scream at the universe.

Thanks to the people who funded my sorry-for-myself-cake via my Ko-fi here. Don’t let salty tears get between you and good cake, I say.

I leave you with the two songs getting me through my too many appointments of a month, until I get to enjoy more cake on my birthday this Saturday.

Enjoy Chung Ha’s Stress and Jisoo’s Your Love.

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