Continue fighting for Palestinians’ right to their land, Jewish activist and spokesman of anti-Zionist group tells Malaysia 
American Jewish activist Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss during a special discussion at the Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia, July 23, 2024. — Screengrab from social media

PETALING JAYA, July 24 — American Jewish activist Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss has called for Malaysia to keep fighting for the cause of the Palestinians until they have their land back, which has been occupied for decades.

Speaking to reporters after a special discussion at the Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia here yesterday, he said that it is good to have Malaysians standing up for the people of Palestine, and he is very pleased with Malaysia’s support.


"It (Israel) is forbidden according to the Jewish religion and is criminal because it is unacceptable to occupy even one inch of Palestine,” said Weiss, who is also a spokesman for the worldwide religious group Neturei Karta, an anti-Zionist group.

"In 76 years of the state of Israel, they (Zionists) have been going against Jewish teachings, against the (holy book of) Torah, and simply masquerading as the religion.

"Rabbis around the world always said that they (Zionists) have no rights to create the state of Israel and no rights to what they are doing in Gaza,” he said.

Therefore the world should fight for a ceasefire as well as speedy dismantlement of the Israel state, said the activist. — Bernama

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