Pay raise for Shariah judges: PM Anwar pledges to speed up Remuneration Act
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at the Convention to Uphold Malaysia’s Syariah Judiciary and Legislation in Putrajaya, July 15, 2024. — Bernama pic

PUTRAJAYA, July 15 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today gave his commitment that the government will speed up the proposed implementation of the Syariah Judges’ Remuneration Act to dignify the status of Syariah Court judges in this country.

Anwar, who is also the minister of finance, said the matter received the government’s attention because there is a need to balance between the Shariah Judicial Service Scheme and the Civil Judicial Service Scheme.


"I was also informed about the Syariah Judges’ Remuneration Act. Now it is following the PTD (Administrative and Diplomatic Officer) scheme.

"So, God willing, I will ask Dr Na’im (Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar) to speed up the adoption of the Syariah Judges’ Remuneration Act, so that (Shariah Judges) are raised. For me, just negotiate well and resolve it,” he said when he officiated the Convention to Uphold Malaysia’s Syariah Judiciary and Legislation here today.

Earlier, the Syariah Judges’ Remuneration Scheme was under the PTD Scheme because a Shariah judge was a public service officer.

Commenting further, Anwar said the proposed implementation of the Act should be considered to ensure that there are no more views on the lower status of Shariah judges.

"It will also definitely give strength and courage to Shariah judges to apply the law more authoritatively,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mohd Na’im said the convention, which was held for the first time, was aimed at strengthening Shariah laws and judiciary in Malaysia as well as strengthening the interests of the religion, the country and the ummah.

"The agenda of upholding Shariah law and judiciary in Malaysia has become an important pillar of the Al-Falah Transformation Plan which has been set in motion by the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) as a platform for improving the administration of Islamic affairs,” he said.

He said the convention was also a follow-up for scholars, lawyers including administrators to share knowledge, analyse current issues and provide proposals and recommendations towards strengthening the legal and judicial Shariah system in this country. — Bernama

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