Home Minister: We will monitor digital, braille Quran publication to avoid errors
Saifuddin said the Home Ministry will monitor all publication of the Quran in digital and braille versions to prevent errors. —Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

KUALA NERUS, July 15 — The Home Ministry (KDN) has assured that it will monitor every publication of the Quran in digital and braille versions to prevent any errors.

Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said that the ministry would take immediate action if any mistakes were found without waiting for the errors to become serious.


"We do not wait until it becomes serious. We take this as our responsibility... meaning that if they (publishers) produce digital Quran, the Enforcement and Control Division of KDN (PK KDN) can handle it.

"I am confident it can reduce any potential errors in the production of the digital Quran... as well as the braille version,” he said.

He spoke at a press conference yesterday after meeting with KDN’s Quran Printing Control and Licensing Board (LPPPQ).

He also said that all imported Quran for distribution in the country remain subject to the Printing of Quranic Text Act 1986, and that from January to June this year, the ministry had seized 22,414 imported Quran copies valued at RM3.2 million that did not meet Malaysia’s standards.

During today’s programme, he also launched the Malaysian Standard Braille Quran Writing Guidelines to ensure uniformity between braille and standard printed versions of the Quran. He also introduced the Tasheh System, which uses advanced technology for the final proofreading of the Quran.

Meanwhile, in a separate development, he said that KDN will change the firearms usage system for members of the Malaysian Volunteer Department (RELA) to prevent the misuse of firearms.

"From now on, firearms will be stored in the armoury. When the members need to be on duty, only then will they be allowed to take them,” he said. —Bernama

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