Amnesty International condemns arrest of Sabahan activist Mukmin Nantang amid controversial Bajau Laut evictions
Amnesty International Malaysia executive director Katrina Jorene Maliamauv said the repressive Sedition Act has no place in Malaysia and goes against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s administration’s commitments to repeal draconian laws curtailing freedom of speech. — Picture by Raymond Manuel

KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 — An international human rights watchdog condemned the arrest of Sabahan activist Mukmin Nantang who has been vocal on the controversial eviction of the Bajau Laut from the Tun Sakaran Marine Park

The Malaysian chapter of Amnesty International said Mukmin’s arrest contradicted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s administration’s commitment to eliminating laws restricting freedom of speech.


"The arrest of Mukmin for exposing human rights violations is beyond the pale. The government must protect human rights defenders, not arrest and attempt to intimidate them.

"Furthermore, the use of the Sedition Act to silence the voices of human rights defenders is a clear violation of the right to freedom of expression.

"The repressive Sedition Act has no place in Malaysia and goes against Anwar’s administration’s commitments to repeal draconian laws curtailing freedom of speech,” its executive director, Katrina Jorene Maliamauv, said in a statement today.

The group further urged the Sabah government to stop oppressing human rights defenders, including Mukmin and the Bajau Laut people.

Maliamauv urged the authorities to end the eviction of the Bajau Laut people.

"Amnesty International Malaysia calls on the government to immediately stop the sedition probe against Mukmin, who was released on bail earlier today.

"We call on authorities to repeal the 1948 Sedition Act and, pending its repeal, ensure that no one else is arrested, investigated, charged, or imprisoned under it for the peaceful exercise of their human rights,” she added.

Earlier today, Mukmin was detained by the police under the Sedition Act in Semporna after exposing the eviction of the Bajau Laut community earlier this month.

According to Amnesty, the human rights defender was later released on bail but still faces charges under the Sedition Act for his activism.

On June 14, eight Bajau Laut stateless individuals, including three children, were arrested over a peaceful protest outside the Sabah Chief Minister’s office, calling for improved water access.

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