Explainer: What is the Arctic ‘Doomsday Vault’, what does it do?
Picture taken on February 24, 2018 shows boxes containing seeds from all over the world standing at the Global Seed Vault seed bank at its storage on Svalbard, a remote Arctic island in a Norwegian archipelago. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault provides insurance against both incremental and catastrophic loss of crop diversity held in traditional gene banks around the world. — AFP pic

KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 — The Arctic ‘Doomsday Vault’, officially known as the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, the world’s largest repository of crop diversity, is a global initiative designed to safeguard the genetic diversity of the world’s crops.

Located in the remote Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, the seed vault functions as a secure backup storage facility for seeds from gene banks worldwide to preserve agricultural biodiversity and ensure global food security.


The primary purpose of the vault is to ensure the long-term preservation of crop seeds, providing a crucial safety net against various disasters that could threaten essential food crops.

These potential threats include climate change, wars, natural disasters, and plant diseases.

The Seed Vault acts as the ultimate insurance policy for the world’s food supply, safeguarding millions of seeds that represent every important crop variety available today which offers future generations the resources to tackle challenges posed by climate change and population growth.

How are they kept?

For optimal storage, the seeds are kept at a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius and the surrounding permafrost and thick rock ensure that the seeds remain frozen even if there is a power failure.

The seeds are sealed in custom-made, three-ply foil packages, which are then placed inside boxes and stored on shelves within the Seed Vault. The low temperature and moisture levels inside the vault ensure minimal metabolic activity, preserving the seeds' viability for extended periods.

The Seed Vault acts as the ultimate insurance policy for the world’s food supply, safeguarding millions of seeds that represent every important crop variety available today which offers future generations the resources to tackle challenges posed by climate change and population growth. — Picture by Sayuti Zainudin

The history behind the Seed Vault

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