Former PSB leaders, members officially join PDP
Bawang Assan assemblyman Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh and other former Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) members have officially joined Progressive Democratic Party (PDP). — The Borneo Post pic

SIBU, April 6 — Bawang Assan assemblyman Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh and other former Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) members have officially joined Progressive Democratic Party (PDP).

They included Engkilili assemblyman Johnical Rayong and Ba Kelalan assemblyman Baru Bian.


Speaking at the PDP Unity Night in Kingwood Hotel here tonight, Wong said the dissolution approval letter was received from the Registrar of Societies (RoS) on March 19.

Since then, he said, PSB members have been accepted en bloc into PDP.

"First of all, I, on behalf of all former leaders and members of PSB, would like to thank (PDP president) Datuk Sri Tiong King Sing, and party leaders and members of PDP for welcoming us into PDP. PDP and the newly dissolved PSB are now united into one big family.

"We were ‘engaged’ since last year and now we are ‘married’. Party PSB, as advised by ROS, held our Special Delegate Conference on Feb 17, 2024 and we met ROS on March 11, and we received the dissolution approval letter on March 19. PDP, has since, accepted PSB members en bloc into the party.

"Therefore, PSB as an opposition party has now become history. We are sad in a way that the party we founded and formed had to be dissolved, but we are happy to have chosen a new home. We are happy with our decision.

"Judging from the political situation in our country, we need strong governments at both the federal and state levels. We therefore have decided to support the federal Madani government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the state People’s First government under Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg,” he said.

Adding on, Wong pointed out that Sarawak is now undergoing significant transformation under Abang Johari, who is recognised for his far-sighted vision to bring about a high-income society and a developed state for Sarawak by 2030.

"We recognise that at this crucial stage of development, political unity and stability are two very important elements in forging the development of the state forward,” said Wong.

Hence, to demonstrate their sincerity and commitment, he added that they joined hands with PDP in this united big family, giving full support to the state government under Abang Johari, particularly in his efforts to put Sarawak development and the state economy in a different paradigm.

"Since our Premier has provided a visionary and progressive leadership, we should join hands together to strive for the shared visions with the Premier to achieve the common goals for a common good.”

On the other hand, Wong said with the country now being threatened by increasing forces of religious and racial extremism, moderate and fair people of all races should rally behind leaders who are prepared to play dutiful roles of providing check and balance in helping the governments like Tiong, a "forthright and a no-nonsense leader who recently provided a good lesson for Umno Youth over ‘bak kut teh’ as national heritage food”.

"We salute our President for taking his courageous stand on many legitimate issues concerning the interests of all of us.

"Our president Datuk Seri Tiong is truly a bold and frank spokesman for all matters whenever that are justified.

"We believe that the building of a progressive and stable society can only be on the basis of just, mutual respect and tolerance amongst all communities.”

He pointed out that Tiong and PDP are assuming a more responsible political attitude, taking cognisance of our multiracial, multicultural and multi-religious society and the various sensitivities involved.

"We must not be allowed to destroy the nation through emotional responses to our problems without considering long-term consequences.

"Nation building cannot rest alone on the shoulders of any particular group of people. It is a shared responsibility.”

Wong said a starting point is an appreciation of each other’s concerns and aspirations, adding that the issue of any one community cannot be looked at in isolation.

Instead, all must be prepared to sit down rationally to solve issues and problems through the spirit of cooperation and goodwill, he stressed.

"We, with the combined forces of two families PDP and the former PSB, have now become a very big family working closely together and will use our combined resources and common spirit to strive for our common goals.

"We will join hands together to strive for a shared destiny of us all.”

Meanwhile, Tiong called on PDP members to accept the former leaders and members of PSB into their fold.

Also present at the PDP Unity Night were PDP deputy president Datuk Henry Harry Jinep, senior vice-president I Datuk Dr Penguang Manggil, senior vice-president II Rolland Duat Jubin, vice-president II Friday Belik, Senator Pele Peter Tinggom, and Political Secretary to Premier Joshua Ting. — The Borneo Post

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