Sarawak govt: RM1.5m approved for infrastructure development of Iban longhouses in Bawang Assan
(Front row, from sixth left) Kevin Lau, Romeo Christopher Tegong and others in a group photo during the visit to Rumah Nuing. ― The Borneo Post pic

SIBU, April 5 ― The Sarawak government has approved RM1.5 million in special Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) funding to upgrade the infrastructure at Iban longhouses in Bawang Assan, said Kevin Lau.


The Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) Community Development Team leader said the funds would mainly be used for infrastructure development such as car parks, walkways, roads and other relevant purposes.

"The longhouses in Bawang Assan constituency are scattered around and with this limited fund, we will try to cover and be fair to all the areas in Bawang Assan,” he told a press conference at Rumah Nuing Tugau yesterday.

According to him, the funds were made possible through the support of Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian, who had helped submit the proposal to Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

Lau, who is also Sibu Rural District Council (SRDC) Environment and Public Health Standing Committee chairman, said the projects would be implemented by SRDC, adding his team would continue to go to the ground to engage with the people and to monitor the implementation of the projects.

On a separate issue, Lau said that in light of the recent attack on a KK Mart outlet in Kuching, SUPP Bawang Assan is committed to uniting the communities in Bawang Assan.

"We will work with Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) to strengthen this unity and with our close collaboration, we will have a stronger unity,” he said.

Meanwhile, political secretary to the Premier, Romeo Christopher Tegong said the RM1.5 million RTP funding was a good start for Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) to show its concern for the people in Bawang Assan.

"I saw the list, almost all the longhouses will get the projects. There are some who may not get it for now, but be patient.

"This is a good start for GPS in Bawang Assan. Somebody has to start somewhere and start somehow. This is to show that the GPS government is concerned for the people of Bawang Assan,” he said.

Though the amount might not be big, Romeo said it showed the government and Lau were trying their best to serve the people in Bawang Assan. ― The Borneo Post

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